How I Finally Fixed My Brain Fog and Reclaimed Mental Clarity Using Lion’s Mane Mushrooms section-01-ray section-01-ray-sm
PLUS, Why I’m Giving My Mom Lion’s Mane to Support Her Memory and Help Her Maintain Independence as She’s Getting Older
PLUS, Why I’m Giving My Mom Lion’s Mane to Support Her Memory and Help Her Maintain Independence
as She’s Getting Older
How I Finally Fixed My Brain Fog and Reclaimed Mental Clarity Using Lion’s Mane Mushrooms section-01-ray section-01-ray-sm
section-01-yellow-image section-01-yellow-image-sm
PLUS, Why I’m Giving My Mom Lion’s Mane to Support Her Memory and Help Her Maintain Independence as She’s Getting Older
My health was declining rapidly and the doctors couldn't figure out why...

It took about 3 months before we realized I had a parasite and killed it. My stomach recovered but a new problem arose.

My brain felt broken 🤕 I couldn’t focus...

And I was forgetting where I parked my car - far too often for it to be normal...
I was disciplined with my meditation and I was strict with a gluten free diet...

And religiously played "brain games" to try and improve my memory...

But no matter what I tried, I just didn’t feel as sharp as I once was. Worst
of all...

I felt like I couldn’t talk to people.
So I shelled out my last $5,000 to get a brain scan and the results FLOORED me.
The red splotches on my brain scan
below show areas of my brain that were broken...

Apparently, my brain looked like the
brain of a hard drug user.

brain This was especially shocking because I
was as sober as a 14 year old mormon...

See, I had given up booze and drugs a
long time ago... But apparently, the gut
damage and far too many sleepless
nights were hard on the brain… I knew I
was messed up.

I couldn’t concentrate on work.

I was falling behind on my promises to
my family...

And I was tired of making excuses for
why I kept dropping the ball.
When I was about to give up, I met a biohacker named Matt and that changed EVERYTHING...

See, Matt is one of those guys who’s got his brain and body dialed to a T...

You know the type.

One of those control freaks who probably has a spreadsheet to track his bowel movements (although not confirmed)...

Matt took one look at my situation and immediately invited me to a facility in Seattle, WA that specializes in rehabbing people’s "broken brains".
In preparation for the brain training, Matt had me take Lion’s Mane Extracts every day...

I had heard of Lion's Mane mushrooms before. I had even tried it in my coffee.

But Matt had me doing something entirely different with them...

Matt had me take FIVE TIMES the recommended dose of Lion’s Mane three times a day.

He said I needed “mega-doses” of lion’s mane in order to get my brain in a place where I could handle the 12 hour days of brain training...

I thought he was nuts (and still do) (love you Matt!). I didn't believe that that a MUSHROOM of all things could help me focus...

But apparently...

There's something special in Lion's Mane Mushrooms that can help your brain increase its capacity for mentally demanding activities.

Before I even made it to the
brain training...
I started feeling more alert, more focused, and mentally clear for the first time in YEARS…
As Bradley Cooper said in the famous Limitless movie, "I was blind but now I could see".

Almost instantly... MY BRAIN

And within a couple short weeks of using Lion’s Mane... I felt sharper…

I could remember details like the names of people I’d meet.

And I could focus longer at my computer without feeling the need to check my phone or distract myself with a new dopamine hit…

section-06-image My favorite part was that I was suddenly blasting through my to-do lists, often accomplishing more before noon than
I’d previously get done in three days of
HARD work.

My brain was (and still is) working better than ever before. My mind was blown 🤯.
With daily use of Lion’s Mane Extracts, my brain has remained focused and alert....

My memory is improving every day...

The words that best communicate my thoughts are always on the tip of my tongue exactly when I want them...

I feel clear headed, focused, and driven towards my goals every day.

Best of all, my once-debilitating brain fog is just a hazy memory of the past....
Now you're probably wondering...
How do Lion’s Mane Mushrooms Pack So Much Power to Eliminate Brain Fog?
Well it all boils down to the Lion's Mane Mushroom's ability to increase something in the brain called “Nerve Growth Factor”.

In fact, recent studies reveal that Lion’s Mane Extracts increase NGF levels in the brain by up to 500%. [1]

Now in case you’re not familiar with Nerve Growth Factor…

Nerve Growth Factor is like “mental-
fertilizer” that helps you grow a
better brain.
Nerve Growth Factor helps your brain create new neurons, maintain existing neurons, and repair damaged neurons in the brain… [2]

Maybe you remember from science class in high-school that neurons are your brain’s messengers.

Healthy neurons are responsible for carrying out every function of your brain and body’s function at a fundamental level…

So anything you can do to improve neuronal health is going to support mental processing power, absolutely.
Nerve Growth Factor Increases Are Associated With:
Improvements in Cognition [3]
Memory Support [4]
Nerve Injury Repair [5]
Reduced Inflammation [6]
Mood Elevation [7]
That’s why people who use Lion’s Mane Extracts report feeling less foggy-headed and more focused throughout the day.

Lion’s Mane not only works as a short term focus boost, but the brain-boosting effects also build with time.
This is because Lion's Mane helps regenerate damaged brain cells [8]

NGF is so important in our brain cell survival, that some people speculate it plays an important part in our longevity.

Dr. Rita Levi-Montalcini, the Italian American neurologist who won a Nobel Prize for discovering nerve growth factor in 1996, even claimed that she used NGF to extend her lifespan.

Although the true secret to her longevity remains unknown, she did live to be a centenarian, aged 103 🤔…
Now I don’t want you to get the wrong impression about Lion’s Mane Mushrooms…
Lion’s Mane is NOT some new thing...

Buddhist monks have been using Lion’s Mane Extracts for centuries to enhance focus during meditation.

Lion’s Mane has been used in Native American ceremonies for thousands of years prior to colonization...

And it’s been used as an ancient remedy to help promote brain health in China.

Lion’s Mane has 10 times the track record of human use compared to ANY of the drugs from big pharma promoting similar benefits.

These drugs have only been around 5-15 or so years, as compared to hundreds of years for Lion’s Mane. And when was the last time you saw a lawsuit about
Lion’s Mane?

I’ll answer that with you… NEVER.
Lion’s Mane Extracts are the Safe, Natural Way to Eliminate Brain Fog Quickly

If you’re fed up with Big Pharma shoving pills down your throat...

Pushing drugs on you with laundry lists of side effects longer than the benefits associated with their chemical based drugs…

Lion’s Mane Mushroom Extracts are a safe alternative that actually works to eliminate brain fog without exposing yourself to toxins.
Whenever someone Googles around to try and find negative reactions to Lion’s Mane Mushrooms...

typing The most they’ll find is an upset stomach, and in rare circumstances like this, we’ve got to question the quality of product that the user consumed.

Maybe they just got a bad batch. More on how to avoid that later….

Hundreds of thousands of people across the world are raving about the increased mental clarity and focus that Lion’s Mane Extracts provide and you’d be hard pressed to find any bad experiences.

That being said… If you’ve read this far, my guess is you’re probably a health-conscious person who wants better brain performance...

But you might be wondering…

What's the best way to consume Lion's Mane Mushrooms?
Not All Lion's Mane Extracts are
Created Equal
There are a couple things you’ve got to look out for when selecting your lion’s mane mushroom source.

First, you may have seen that there are pills, powders, liquid extracts and wondering... What’s best!?

Let’s be crystal clear:

You do NOT want to consume Lion’s Mane Mushrooms raw.

At least not if you’re trying to eliminate brain fog and get the focus benefits.

Reason being, there’s an indigestible fiber in lion’s mane (and in all medicinal mushrooms) called “chitin”, that blocks your stomach from absorbing the beneficial compounds.
The chitin needs to be broken down and removed from your lion’s mane with an Alcohol and water extraction in order to get the most benefits...
Here lies the problem:

Most powders and capsules contain dried up lion’s mane which have simply been ground up (not extracted)...

So the powders typically still contain chitin.

On the flipside, ALL liquid extracts have at least gone through some form of extraction. And for this reason…

Liquid extracts are the most effective way to consume lion's mane mushrooms.
Introducing the World's First Triple Kangan Extraction of Lion's Mane Mushrooms

If you want to eliminate your brain fog and improve mental performance...

and remember names and numbers and finally feel smart again… so you can think more clearly and communicate your thoughts effectively…
This Lion’s Mane Triple Kangan Extract is your solution.

It’s the only lion’s mane mushroom extract in the world that’s handcrafted with a triple kangan extraction process to get the most out of the lion’s mane fruiting body
(no mycelium).

This Lion’s Mane Extract simply works.

So well in fact that you’ll see a difference in just days from now.

section-16-image No matter your age, current brain fog level, or what you’ve tried before.

Bottomline, this WILL work
for you.

In fact, the first thing you'll
notice is...
You'll feel more focused, energized, and motivated - just like you got a great night’s rest.

Next, you’ll start to remember things
more easily…

With each extra day that goes by, you’ll notice that your brain is functioning
better and you’re feeling more like
yourself again.

section-17-image And take it from me, there’s nothing
better than feeling like you can finally
think clearly after spending so much
time held back by a cloud of
debilitating brain fog.

You’ll notice a bounce in your step.
You’ll be happier. Your brain fog will
quickly fade away, or maybe disappear altogether.

But my favorite part
about improving brain health?
In as little as 7 days of use, your friends, family and colleagues will start to notice the change.

They'll say you seem more "present" in conversations with them. Like you’re really “there” when you’re with them...

Because you’re finally focused on this moment instead of lost in your thoughts.

And they’ll definitely ask for your secret…

When you tell them, they won’t believe that it’s from mushrooms! 😂
Lion's Mane Extracts Will Help You Say Goodbye to Brain Fog FOREVER
Now you’ve seen how I reclaimed my mental performance without taking pharmaceuticals...

… you’ve seen first-hand how millions of people across the world use lion’s mane extracts to eliminate brain fog and you’ve seen the truth behind which lion’s mane extracts work the best...

and I've shown you the most effective lion's mane extract that money can buy...

So let me ask you a question…

If you don’t get a hold of something to knock out your brain fog...

How will you be feeling mentally, a month from now?

I want us to be as honest and truthful as possible, so I need to tell you…
It would break my heart to see you not living at your greatest potential and continuing to be held back by brain fog.

Because the truth is, if you don’t get your hands on Lion’s Mane Extracts today then I’m not sure what will change...

With each month that goes by, you could still be trapped struggling to think in a cloudy haze...

You could continue to feel stupid when you know you’re actually smart but feel like something is in the way… Like there’s a heavy wall of smoke between you and the life you know you could live.

Being misunderstood because you can’t stop forgetting what you were going to say…

And everyone judging you because your life is falling apart but they don’t understand what it’s like to struggle to think clearly...

section-20-image God knows I hope you don’t ever have to feel the frustration that I lived with when my brain wasn’t working.

Yet it doesn't have to be like this.

With Lion’s Mane Extracts you can fight back against brain fog and think clearly again right away.

Not to mention, you can “WOW” your friends, colleagues, and family as you start to seem smarter and wittier in conversation.

And here’s some great news:

Because you’ve committed to eliminating your brain fog by reading this far, I’m going to reserve the next batch for readers of this letter…
137 Bottles Left…

The next 137 bottles of Lion’s Mane Triple Kangan Extracts are reserved for readers of this letter…
With daily use of Lion’s Mane Extracts, my brain has remained focused and alert....

… but you must act before they run out of stock!
section-21-image section-21-image
Our Lion’s Mane Extracts are so powerful and so effective that word has already got out…

People across America are discovering this incredible mushroom extract for themselves…

And unfortunately, this often means that demand sometimes
outpaces supply…

Because our extracts are handcrafted and hand grown out of Dallas, TX, we are always at risk of running out of stock… Which means people are often forced to wait until the next batch.

Now, we’re being honest and open with each other, so I don’t want you to miss out…
Lion's Mane bottles section-23-image Lion's Mane Satisfied Customer
I’ll promise to reserve the next batch for folks who order through this letter.

As long as you’re one of the first 137 people who order today, you’ll receive your bottles of Lion’s Mane Triple Extracts.

(Oh, and I know how annoying it can be to order something online, only to be charged every month automatically. So I’ve made sure that you won’t be charged again unless you make another order.)

Though I urge you to be quick because this batch will be snapped up in no time at all. Plus…

You're protected by our 90 day: 100% Money Back Guarantee
I personally guarantee you’ll start feeling clear headed within a matter of weeks. (and probably much sooner)
My team in Dallas, TX will get your order of Lion’s Mane Extracts in the mail as soon as you reserve your bottle.

It usually takes just 3-5 business days to arrive.

When the delivery man knocks on your door, I’m sure you’ll want to tear open the package and try it for yourself right away.

So go ahead.

Squeeze the lion’s mane extract up and drop it in your mouth or mix it in your favorite beverage.

Then do it again every morning....
You’ll notice a difference with each day that
goes by.

You’ll feel more focused than ever. The brain fog you’ve been struggling with will fade away. You’ll be thinking more clearly. Able to remember names and numbers more easily.

Within the first month, people will be telling you that you finally seem like you’re acting like yourself again…

After 3 months, people will begin to think you’ve got a hold of some “smart drug” because they KNOW something is different. They’ll be surprised that you’re so sharp and present!

Your friends, family and colleagues will BEG you to share your bottle of Lion’s Mane Extract with them. In fact, they’ll pay you any price!

And after 6 months, you won't even remember what it used to feel like when you were struggling with brain fog. It will all just be a distant, hazy memory of the past. The nightmare will be over.
Yet if You're Not
100% AMAZED...

If your family and friends AREN’T telling you how you seem so much better…

Then we promise to offer you a full, prompt refund at any point within your first 90 days of purchasing our Lion’s Mane Extracts.

We won’t ask you why.

Simply put, you ONLY pay if you’re totally convinced it works for you.

Sound good? Then place your order of Lion’s Mane Extracts by choosing from the six-month, three-month, or one-month options below. Just click on the package you want. You’ll be taken to an order page to review your order.
bonusNumberOne "Every 6 bottle order includes FREE expedited shipping PLUS a FREE Bonus Mushroom Extract!”
(Valued at $61.50)
Our New “Immortal”
Reishi Mushroom Extract
Lion's Mane Bottles
FREE! Bottle
Reishi mushrooms are considered the sacred "mushroom of immortality" for their ability to support a healthy, happy, and long life...

Reishi mushroom extracts are known for:
Helping people stay healthy when everybody around them is getting sick
Supporting cardiovascular health
Relieving stress and promoting better sleep…
Reishi makes an amazing combo to pair with Lion's Mane because you can use it in the evening to promote rest and relaxation after you use Lion's Mane during the day…

Everyone gets the opportunity to buy reishi during your lion’s mane checkout...

But 6 pack buyers get a one month supply of our premium reishi mushroom extracts for FREE.
Click the 6 bottle package of Lion's Mane Extracts for 41% savings and free shipping (USA Only)!
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $61.50
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $369 $216
+Free U.S.A. Shipping
+1 FREE Mushroom Extract
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $184.5 $147
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $369 $216
+Free U.S.A. Shipping
+1 FREE Mushroom Extract
Here's why you might want to secure a 3 or 6 month supply.
Since we get to save when shipping bulk orders, we feel it's only fair to pass on the savings (up to $228 for 6 bottles) on to you when you order Lion's Mane Extracts today!

You risk nothing by trying our Lion’s Mane Triple Extracts today,

​​Yet you could feel better than ever before!

Of course, I’m convinced you’re going to see life-changing results in your first week.

And that your transformation will only continue to get better over time.

In fact, I’m living proof of it!

Yet, the best results come from longer use… that’s when your results go from great to INCREDIBLE.

See, after 3 months, people will be shocked that you’re so sharp and witty. Your brain is going to work exactly how you want it to.

Your friends, family and colleagues will BEG you to share your bottles of Lion’s Mane Extracts with them. In fact, they’ll pay you any price!

And after 6 months, you won’t even remember what it used to feel like to have brain fog and struggle to think clearly. You’ll feel so focused and motivated to work that you’ll often get more done before 12pm than you used to get done in 3 days time!
section-30-image section-30-image
Bottomline is, the longer you use it, the better your results could be.

So, I’ve made it as easy as possible to get the full, brain-boosting benefits from our Lion’s Mane Triple Extracts.

When you order today, you have the choice of a 1-month, 3-month or 6-month supply.

Of course, you’re welcome to choose any option, though I’ve decided to give you a bigger discount by securing your 6-month supply.

That’s because I want you to experience the BEST results possible -- just like hundreds of Americans are doing right now.
You WON’T be enrolled in an automatic billing subscription.
And you’re covered by a 90-day money-back-guarantee. So even at the end of a 3-month supply, you’ll be able to get a full refund if you’re not thrilled with the way your brain works.

Click the “ADD TO CART” button below to be taken to a secure checkout page.

You can have your mental function back and feel like you can think clearly again for the cost of a cheap dinner.
So I urge you: claim one of the 137 bottles available today.

Click the “BUY NOW” button below immediately.

I can’t wait to hear your success story.

- Luke “The Lion”
Click the 6 bottle package of Lion's Mane Extracts for 41% savings and free shipping (USA Only)!
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $61.50
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $369 $216
+Free U.S.A. Shipping
+1 FREE Mushroom Extract
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $184.5 $147
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $369 $216
+Free U.S.A. Shipping
+1 FREE Mushroom Extract

1. Mori K, et al. Nerve growth factor-inducing activity of Hericium erinaceus in 1321N1 human astrocytoma cells. Biol Pharm Bull. (2008)

2. Lai PL, Naidu M, Sabaratnam V, Wong KH, David RP, Kuppusamy UR, Abdullah N, Malek SN. Neurotrophic properties of the Lion's mane medicinal mushroom, Hericium erinaceus (Higher Basidiomycetes) from Malaysia. Int J Med Mushrooms. 2013;15(6):539-54. doi: 10.1615/intjmedmushr.v15.i6.30. PMID: 24266378.

3. Mori K, et al. Improving effects of the mushroom Yamabushitake (Hericium erinaceus) on mild cognitive impairment: a double-blind placebo-controlled clinical trial. Phytother Res. (2009)

4. Ratto D, Corana F, Mannucci B, et al. Hericium erinaceus Improves Recognition Memory and Induces Hippocampal and Cerebellar Neurogenesis in Frail Mice during Aging. Nutrients. 2019;11(4):715. Published 2019 Mar 27. doi:10.3390/nu11040715

5. Wong KH, et al. Peripheral Nerve Regeneration Following Crush Injury to Rat Peroneal Nerve by Aqueous Extract of Medicinal Mushroom Hericium erinaceus (Bull.: Fr) Pers. (Aphyllophoromycetideae). Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. (2011)

6. Chiu CH, Chyau CC, Chen CC, Lee LY, Chen WP, Liu JL, Lin WH, Mong MC. Erinacine A-Enriched Hericium erinaceus Mycelium Produces Antidepressant-Like Effects through Modulating BDNF/PI3K/Akt/GSK-3β Signaling in Mice. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Jan 24;19(2):341. doi: 10.3390/ijms19020341. PMID: 29364170; PMCID: PMC5855563.

7. Nagano M., Shimizu K., Kondo R., Hayashi C., Sato D., Kitagawa K., Ohnuki K. “Reduction of depression and anxiety by 4 weeks Hericium erinaceus intake.” Biomedical Research. 2010 Aug;31(4):231-7.

8. Ryu S, Kim HG, Kim JY, Kim SY, Cho KO. Hericium erinaceus Extract Reduces Anxiety and Depressive Behaviors by Promoting Hippocampal Neurogenesis in the Adult Mouse Brain. J Med Food. 2018 Feb;21(2):174-180. doi: 10.1089/jmf.2017.4006. Epub 2017 Nov 1. PMID: 29091526.

9. Lee SK, Ryu SH, Turk A, Yeon SW, Jo YH, Han YK, Hwang BY, Lee KY, Lee MK. Characterization of α-glucosidase inhibitory constituents of the fruiting body of lion's mane mushroom (Hericium erinaceus). J Ethnopharmacol. 2020 Nov 15;262:113197. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2020.113197. Epub 2020 Jul 29. PMID: 32738392.
P.S. Before this letter was sent out to thousands of people like you, I showed it to my coaching clients, friends, and family, and existing customers...

Some of them asked important
questions I’ve answered below:
What does Lion's Mane do again?

Lion’s Mane Mushrooms are a natural way to increase your Nerve Growth Factor in the brain.

Nerve Growth Factor is responsible for creating and maintaining neurons (your brain’s messengers).

The better support you give your neurons, the more clear headed you'll feel and you'll have less brain fog.
How long will it take to get results?

Everyone’s brain is different so results will vary. But I can tell you for a lot of folks, they feel more focused within 30 minutes of taking it.

And what’s even better is that the longer these folks take Lion’s Mane Extracts, the better they say it gets. Within 3 months, friends and co-workers are begging for their secret. They think you’re on some “smart drug” because you’re so sharp and present in conversation.
Will it work for me?

Lion’s Mane Extracts have the potential to work on anyone. Whether you’re 15, 30, or 70+. No matter your gender or your background.

College students use it as a study aid and my girlfriends’ grandpa uses it to help improve his memory so his wife stops nagging him about forgetting the bread at the store.
And what if it doesn't work for me?

I understand you might be skeptical. I mean, the results I’ve shown you today are incredible. But I really believe that Lion’s Mane Extracts will work for YOU!

Yet, I understand you’ll only be convinced once you’ve tried it and seen the difference for yourself. So, I want you to feel totally comfortable that you’re not risking a penny when you order today.

I’ve agreed to offer a full 90-day money-back-guarantee.

It’s simple: you can try our Lion’s Mane Extracts out for a full 3 months. If you’re not totally thrilled, simply call or email my team and we’ll return every penny you pay today.

You don’t need to provide a reason why. You’ll just get an easy, hassle-free refund of the full price you pay today.
How can I order Lion's Mane Extracts?

It’s easy! Just click HERE to go to the order selection above.

You’ll be taken to the secure order page. It takes just two minutes to complete.

Once you’re finished, my team will get your bottle into the mail as soon as possible. You’ll have it in your hands within 3-5 days.

And remember you WON’T be enrolled in any kind of auto-billing subscription. The only time you’ll pay again is when you place an order yourself.
Click the 6 bottle package of Lion's Mane Extracts for 41% savings and free shipping (USA Only)!
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $61.50
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $369 $216
+Free U.S.A. Shipping
+1 FREE Mushroom Extract
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $184.5 $147
shopping-bag ADD TO CART
Total: $369 $216
+Free U.S.A. Shipping
+1 FREE Mushroom Extract